About CollegeOnomics

About CollegeOnomics

Welcome to CollegeOnomics.com, I’m truly excited to have you here!

My primary goal at CollegeOnomics is to enable you to complete your college degree at the earliest, so you can start to live the life you aspire for!

There are many people who have tremendous knowledge and work experience who are unable to complete a 4 yr college degree for various reasons.

Some of them are forced to look for work right out of high school for financial reasons. Others drop out of college due to various personal and financial challenges.

Not having a college degree can seriously affect a person’s self esteem, career growth, and even their ability to have a stable career.

As a busy adult, the only way you can move toward completing your college degree is if you, or someone close to you, has a stable job that pays for your basic living expenses and modest college expenses.

Degree Completion Programs

Many adults have previously completed some college learning, and even have work experience and other training in their chosen career field.

Instead of having all the previous learning go unnoticed and ignored, it will work to your advantage if you can transfer those college credits from your previous learning toward a college degree.

This will ensure that you get to complete college much faster, while also saving money in the process.

A Little About Padma

I’ve lived in California for about 20 yrs, am married to an amazing person who is also my soulmate, and we have a lovely daughter and a pet dog. I’m also a software developer and website content creator, both of which are my passion.

After moving to India several years ago, I’ve been enjoying spending time with my family and am often seen feeding stray animals, cows, dogs and cats.

A Little Story About My College Experience

Years ago as a teenager just out of high school, I was financially struggling and a good 4 yr college degree seemed totally out of my reach!

But deep in my heart, I always knew I wanted to be an engineer, to build things using technology to make the world a better place.

After completing a lowcost computer software course for an year, I luckily found myself an expenses-paid trainee position in a software company. After this I was desperately looking for a way to complete my 4 yr college degree.

Though I got a job at this company as a programmer, I knew I needed to quickly complete college if I wanted to change jobs or get a promotion at this company.

Around this time, I came across a few colleges that would transfer and evaluate all my college-level learning and even my work experience toward a 4 yr degree in Computer Science.

I graduated from Regents college (now known as Excelsior college) in 1999. Since then I’ve had a lucrative career as a software engineer and have worked in many leading companies in the US.

For years I’ve wondered how to share my experience with other busy adults to enable them to complete their college degree ASAP with the help of degree completion programs.

To this end, I’ve also been thoroughly researching colleges, courses, modes of learning and processes for completing a 4 yr college degree in current times.

This website is a result of this endeavor!

My Books on College and Career

Here are my 2 published books:

1) College Shortcuts: An Express Undergraduate Degree with Zero Student Loans

2) Job Search in Software Development

Here’s What I Found About The College Scenario

  • Many students have completed a lot of college courses but are unable reach the point of graduating college
  • Most students are struggling financially to pay for college while simultaneously managing their living expenses
  • Many people are enrolling in college and taking student loans, but are later forced to drop out of college. Dropping out does not relieve students of their previous student loans. In this case, the best approach is to greatly minimize the need to take out student loans, by choosing a more affordable route to degree completion
  • The key to individual success in life and career is to work toward something you’re passionate about, and to build a stable career and educational foundation in your chosen field
  • Working adults need a more flexible and customized approach to college, with on-demand learning, and the ability to transfer all their previous courses, learning and experience to their degree transcript

My Goal at CollegeOnomics

These are my top goals at CollegeOnomics:

  1. To empower all motivated adults to quickly and affordably complete their US college degree
  2. To support, advice and encourage adults to have a healthy and stable career

    along their path to degree completion

  3. To provide more flexibility and options for your degree completion and college credit sources
  4. To ensure that you can comfortably pay for college with your job income, and by choosing an affordable degree program, and
  5. To utilize all out-of-the-box solutions for reaching your goal of a US college degree

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, please take a look at the numerous posts on this site. You can also reach me on my CollegeOnomics YouTube channel.



Email: [email protected]